Tours Statuses

Learn about the function of each Tours Status

Setting the Tour Status on a per tour prospect basis is key to getting accurate and informative data in your Tours reports.

Default Tours Statuses:

  • Requested
    • The default status for any new tour request (via the online form or manual creation by an agent in-app)
  • Confirmed
    • Set by an agent, once they have reviewed and accepted the tour request form submissions, tour date and time
  • Cancelled
    • Set by the assigned agent when there's a need to cancel or revise a tour request/ tour confirmation
    • To revise an existing tour request, you'll need to first cancel the initial tour and then manually add the tour with the revised date and time. Alternatively, after cancellation, the prospect can resend the request with their adjusted date and time or form field submissions.
  • Completed
    • Set by an agent once a tour has been completed, no matter if the prospect is moving forward with a lease or not

Optional Tours Statuses:

*Please note if you'd like to turn on either of the following statuses, you will need to request this through Customer Success, or during your initial onboarding session. There is no additional cost to use either of these tour statuses. 

Once either of these statuses have been activated for your account, they cannot be deactivated. 

  • Leased
    • Set by an agent or admin when a tour prospect has signed a lease for a unit viewed on the property tour
    • This will help provide conversion data in your Tours reports
  • Denied
    • Set by the agent or admin when a tour prospect has been deemed to be ineligible, based on their form field submissions
    • The intent is to deny a 'tour', not deny a lease after a tour has been performed
    • There is no auto-deny function at this time
    • Use case: Provides the prospect with a reason why their tour request was denied; instead of them thinking a cancellation was a mistake or an invitation to re-submit the tour request