Override Company Contact Details on Listings

Override the company-level contact details shown on your rental listing site listings with property-level details.

You may have noticed on some of your Rental Listing Site (RLS) listings that your company name, logo, address, and contact information is displayed at the bottom of the listing. You can now override that information with property-level information instead.

Ensure You Have All Property-level Contact Information Filled Out

Before you override your company's contact information with your property's contact information, ensure you have added all relevant details to the property. 

There are six fields that you can override. All of these can be edited within the Property Details of a property. 

  1. Address: Pulls from the Display Address fields to replace your company's main address with the address specific to the property listed. 
  2. Logo: Pulls from the Property Logo field to replace your company's logo with your property's.
  3. Phone: Pulls from the Phone field to replace your company's phone number with your property's.
  4. Email: Pulls from the Contact Email Address(es) field to replace your company email with your property's. 
  5. Name: Pulls from the Property Name field to replace your company name with your property's. 
  6. Site: Pulls from the Property Website URL field to replace your company's website with your property's.

Note: If you have a Rentsync website, you do not need to fill out the Property Website URL. The URL assigned to that property will automatically be sent through the feed when that setting is checked off.

Apply Global Override Settings for All Properties

If you want to replace your company information with property-level information across your entire property portfolio, you can use the Global Override option. 

  1. Click "Listing Management" from the main menu
  2. Click "Listing Settings" from the sub menu
  3. In the Property Overrides section, under the Global Property Override Fields heading, check off each of the above six items that you want to replace with property-level information
  4. Turn the Global Override Settings toggle on 
  5. Click "Save" to finish

Apply Global Override Settings for Certain Properties

If you want to only want to replace your company information with property-level information for some, but not all, of your properties, use the property list below.

  1. Click "Listing Management" from the main menu
  2. Click "Listing Settings" from the sub menu
  3. In the Property Overrides section, use the "Search Properties" field, or scroll through your list of properties, and check off each of the fields you want to override with property-level information 
  4. Click "Save" to finish

Tip: If you have Global Property Override Settings enabled, and you apply different settings to an individual property, the individual property settings will take priority.