Create User Groups and Add New Users

You can add multiple users to one Rentsync account, as well as assign each user a distinct access level.

Users and Groups

There are two different User Types in the Rentsync Platform. Administrators have full open access to all aspects of the account, with no restrictions. Users are added with filters to control the pages each person has access to. Users with the same access levels join User Groups, which are completely customizable.

Create User Groups

A User Group determines which pages a user has access to in the Rentsync Platform. You can create a new User Group, then assign one or more users to that group.

  1. Click on your account profile icon at the top right corner of the Rentsync Platform
  2. Click “+ User Management” under your company profile section
  3. Click on "User Groups" from the sub menu
  4. Click the "+ New Group" button
  5. Give the User Group a Name
  6. Click the “Save” button to finish

Assign Users and Access-Levels to a User Group

Once you’ve added a new User Group, you can determine which areas of the Rentsync Platform users will have access to when assigned to each User Group.

  1. Click on the name of a User Group
  2. Go through the Permission types, and select No Access, View, View/Edit or View/Edit/Delete for each permission option
  3. In the "Group Users" section to the left, assign users to the User Group by selecting the boxes beside each name you'd like to add
  4. Click the "Save" button to finish

Add a User 

Before you start, ensure you are an Administrator within your Rentsync account.

  1. Click on your account profile icon at the top right corner of the Rentsync Platform
  2. Click “+ User Management” under your company info section
  3. Click on the "Users" option in the sub menu 
  4. Select the “+ Invite User” button at the top right
  5. Fill in the details of your new user
  6. Select the “Save” button to send an invitation to your new user

Tip: It is recommended that your new user open their invitation email and follow the instructions to access the Rentsync Platform within 24 hours of sending the invitation.