Edit a Website Form Recipient

Change which members of your team receive submission notices for the forms on your website.

Edit a Website Form Recipient

  1. Click “Websites” from the main navigation bar

  2. Click "Website List" from the submenu
  3. Select the "Edit" button on the website you'd like to make changes to
  4. Click "+ Forms" from the sub menu in the navigation bar on the left
  5. Click "Settings" from the resulting sub menu
  6. Select the form you want to edit by clicking on its name 

  7. Navigate to the "Email Notifications Settings" tab at the top of the form page

  8. Under the Submission Notification section, choose your recipient

    1. Selecting "Contact Email" will send the form submission to the corresponding property contact if it is a property-specific inquiry form, or to the general contact listed in Email Settings if it is a general website form
    2. Selecting "Maintenance Email" will send the form submission to the corresponding property maintenance contact, or to the general contact listed in Email Settings if no property-level contact exists
    3. Selecting "Other" will allow you to enter whichever email(s) you choose as the recipient(s)
  9. Save your changes by selecting "Save" in the bottom right corner before you leave the page